Classifications of Neurons :
* Classified based on
Structural classification.
Functional classification.
¤Structural classification of neurons :
1. According to the number of processes extending from the cell body.
* Unipolar neuron has a single process.
* Bipolar neurons have two processes.
*Pseudounipolar neuron has one process but divided into two.
* Multipolar neurons have three or more processes.
2. According to the shape of cell bodySetallate cellsPryamidal cellsPyriform cells.
3. According to the length of their axon
*Golgi type 1
*Golgi type 2
¤ Functional classification of neurosensory :
1\ afferent neurons from receptor to CNS.
2\ Motor efferent neurons from CNS to effectors.
3\ Interneurons (association neurons) Facilitate communication between sensory and motor neurons.
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