¤ Functional divisions of the nervous system
1\ Sensory afferent division: Receives sensory information (input) from receptors and transmits this information to the CNS.
2\ Motor efferent division: Transmits motor impulses (output) from the CNS to muscles or glands (effecter organs).
¤ Sensory afferent division two components :
1-Somatic sensory components:
*General somatic senses: Touch, pain, pressure, vibration, temperature, proprioception
*Special senses: Taste, vision, hearing, balance, smell.
2-Visceral sensory componentsTransmit nerve impulses from blood vessels and viscera to the CNS Visceral senses primarily include Temperature, stretch (of the organ wall).
¤ Motor efferent division two components :
1- Somatic motor component (somatic nervous system; SNS):
Conducts nerve impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles
~ Also known as the voluntary nervous system.
2- Autonomic motor component (autonomic nervous system; ANS):
- Innervates Internal organs.
- Regulates smooth muscle.
- Regulates cardiac muscle.
- Regulates glands.
~ Also known as the visceral motor system or involuntary nervous system.
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